Partnering with NSRIC
NSRIC’s main objective is to disseminate knowledge to serve mankind. It is a central hub that promotes collaboration, aimed at building a long-term partnership to achieve the stated goals. To accomplish the vision and mission, NSRIC delivers academic and vocational courses through its online platform and will establish onsite NSRIC international schools and NSRIC universities worldwide. NSRIC offers a wide variety of courses, ranging from the Kindergarten to Grade 12 program through the NSRIC International School in Toronto (NIST) to undergraduate and graduate levels courses through our proposed universities as well as non-degree, short-term courses through NSRIC, described in
Become a student
NIST is operated by NSRIC, which is the central organization. For partnership, you can join us through our two major institutions and our proposed university project:


The NSRIC International School in Toronto (NIST)
Model I - Partnership Study Centre (PSC - M.1):

Model I is a NIST study centre designated as “Partnership Study Centre (PSC – M.1)”. NIST is an online government-approved private school based in London, Ontario, Canada, which follows the Ontario school board curriculum.
PSC – M.1 envisages a physical NIST study centre (i.e., in a designated space) with a strong internet connection. This study centre will facilitate a flavour of the school environment for our local students from Kindergarten to Grades 12. This model will be treated as a support centre where students would undertake our Canadian School Board-approved online programs.

NSRIC Education:
PSC – M.1 also includes an option to operate a NSRIC study centre that offers a physical space to study with reliable internet connections. The NSRIC study centre will facilitate students to meet learn together, and have one-to-one support. Additionally,
it will also offer extracurricular activities to students such as enhancing academic skills, writing research papers in the Western context, preparing reports, and offering career advice. The NSRIC study centre is an additional support for NSRIC students. However, it is not mandatory to link this option with the “NIST Study Centre.”
Model II – Partnership NSRIC School (PNS – M.2):

NIST Local School Branch
Model I is a NIST study centre designated as “Partnership Study Centre (PSC – M.1)”. NIST is an online government-approved private school based in London, Ontario, Canada, which follows the Ontario school board curriculum.
PSC – M.1 envisages a physical NIST study centre (i.e., in a designated space) with a strong internet connection. This study centre will facilitate a flavour of the school environment for our local students from Kindergarten to Grades 12. This model will be treated as a support centre where students would undertake our Canadian School Board-approved online programs.

NSRIC Education:
PSC – M.1 also includes an option to operate a NSRIC study centre that offers a physical space to study with reliable internet connections. The NSRIC study centre will facilitate students to meet learn together, and have one-to-one support. Additionally,
it will also offer extracurricular activities to students such as enhancing academic skills, writing research papers in the Western context, preparing reports, and offering career advice. The NSRIC study centre is an additional support for NSRIC students. However, it is not mandatory to link this option with the “NIST Study Centre.”